Thursday, December 19, 2013
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Monday, September 30, 2013
She is so impressive.
Amorie played in the primary program this Sunday. There were roughly 400 people there. She was terrified and her poor little fingers were shaking, but she pulled it off like a champ.

I had to throw this one in because it totally shows her awesome personality. Farr told her to open her mouth a little when she smiles and this is what we got.

Friday, May 31, 2013
Welcome to Sci-Fri!
I know how amazed you are with my awesomeness in regard to the name for today's activity. I have to admit, I am also amazed at my awesomeness. Sci-Fri!!
I apologize for the picture quality. My kitchen doesn't have great light.
Today we did an experiment with pressure. It's an oldie but a goodie. The classic "hard boiled egg into a bottle" experiment.

Normal scientists only have laws of nature to contend with, but we had this little imp to battle. Lets just say that smashing hard boiled eggs on the table was an amusing experience.

So after bribing Izzy with skittles, we began.

I was worried that the bottle opening was to small, but I didn't really have many other options. It worked ok. It pulled the egg about half way in, but it didn't make that awesome plunk sound that I remember from science class so we tried a different bottle.

Amazingly enough, this worked better! I was worried that there wouldn't be enough oxygen, but it worked fine.

Izzy started singing the Happy Birthday song when we lit the matches.

I explained about pressure and heat and all that good stuff to Amorie and when I asked her after why the egg got pulled into the bottle she said "The air inside got super excited and wanted to come out so it pulled the egg out of the way." Works for me!
I know how amazed you are with my awesomeness in regard to the name for today's activity. I have to admit, I am also amazed at my awesomeness. Sci-Fri!!
I apologize for the picture quality. My kitchen doesn't have great light.
Today we did an experiment with pressure. It's an oldie but a goodie. The classic "hard boiled egg into a bottle" experiment.
Normal scientists only have laws of nature to contend with, but we had this little imp to battle. Lets just say that smashing hard boiled eggs on the table was an amusing experience.
So after bribing Izzy with skittles, we began.
Amazingly enough, this worked better! I was worried that there wouldn't be enough oxygen, but it worked fine.
Thursday is Art day.
I don't have a cool title for Art day (currently Thursday) and I am taking suggestions (but it has to be as awesome as my Friday title which if I do say so myself: It is awesome). This week I printed out a picture of Amorie and Izzy and told them to paint/color it however they wanted. Easy peasy.
This is the original picture:

I desaturated it in photoshop to make their coloring page.

After she was done, she realized that they weren't wearing capes so she drew one with the correct costumes on.
You can't see it very well, but they have capes and are flying over our house (she even drew their shadows).

And this is how my conversation with Izzy went:
Hiya Mommmmmy =)

(3 seconds later) What?

(.7 seconds later) Whatch you want!

This is the original picture:
I desaturated it in photoshop to make their coloring page.
Amorie said that she wanted her and Izzy to be super heroes.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
2 years old
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